martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Los últimos pasos

Finalmente las cosas se encuentran en manos de Drissa.Queda muy poco para que comienze el año escolar en Songho y de seguro a ningún niño le faltarán cuadernos.Muchas gracias a nuestro GAHP(grupodeamigosyhermanospersonales)Vla,Lucho y Pelao por facilitar el último impulso:
Hello My friend!
It is ok I have money with no problem.
Every thing is ok.I have taken the money
from the bank.And now Iprepare my voyage
to Songho.When I'm ready Iwill send you amail
to tell you..Photos again for you and your friends!
Lovely! Drissa
Saludos a todos,estaremos en contacto y los invitamos a compartir este Blog siempre pensando en la próxima campaña!!!!!!

Los últimos pasos

Después de 4 meses!!!!

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Hello Liz!
I make photo of all the present as you have asked.
I have got evey thing in the four boxes:the camea,2 memory cards with four batteries and charger,
the money 125 dollarsn,four balls,many copybooks,pens,pencils,dentifrish and many shirts or clothes.
The four boxes have arrived in Mali more than one month and half ago.The poste service had stored
and kept them safely because they had a general problem in distribution.And they took 50 dollars
within the 125 dollars for theservice of storage time in their room.Now it remains 75 dollars that
are unsuffisent for the transport to songho.I'm looking for money to complete it and I wil bring them
to songho.The school begins on October 3 rd in songho .When the police was controling the four boxes
the cover of 2 boxes have been damaged so we transfered the materials in a big new boxe to get 3 boxes instead of 4.
I'm very happy of you and I kiss you and I love you for your courage and intelligence.

Take care of you my friend


jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Ha llegado carta desde Bamako!!!!

Amigos tod@s:
Con mucha alegría les cuento que nuestro envío finalmente llegó a Mali!!!
Seguiremos esperando el viaje hasta Songho
Me escribe mi amigo Drissa:
How are you my friend?
It is Ok.Now I have just receive the four boxes
yesterday.Everything inside is there.I got the money
and all the things.Thank you my friend.
