domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Ha llegado carta desde Bamako!!!!

Hello my friend!
It's ok,I went to Songo and I spent 3 days there..
i arrived in songo on Sunday 25th and I left on
Tuesday evening,I came back to bamako this
Wednesday early in the morning.Everybody is
very happy of you and your frends who helped you.
The parents of children,the association of children parents,
the mothers of children, the women association in Songo,
the chief of the village of Songho,they all say thank you
and your partners.The children of songo are very happy
too,and they say you thank you and your partners.THe
children of Songo are very happy of the children of chile
and their drawings and photo. They said: we also like
to be your friends.So children of Songo did many drawings
for children of Chile.Yes I need some money to send you
the drawings from children of Songo.The school of Songo want
to annonce you that they want to do a project to bridge
caws and chickens for the school,they have built houses for
that but they have the problem of water.You will see
the caws and chickens houses on photos.They all say
thank you and wish you and your friends long life.
Take care!